Saturday, November 30, 2013

The Essence of ObamaCare:  Morality Versus Workability?
 Look to the essence of the thing, whether it be doctrine, practice, or interpretation.
Marcus Aerulius (121 AD - 180 AD),  Meditations
Indifference to the needs of others is immoral.
Colbert King,  “ObamaCare – A Question of Morality,” Washington Post, November 30, 2013, King writes a regular Saturday column for the Washington Post.  This on is on what black ministers are saying about ObamaCare in the nation’s capitol
It’s more than the website. It’s how the law itself is built from its architecture that’s just not workable.
Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin),  Congressman and former Republican Vice-Presidential Candidate

Tweet:  Is it a moral obligation of a nation to make health care a right, even if the health system is unworkable under its health law?